David R. BrowerOffice for Conservation Writing |
Come Write in Colorado Now Accepting Applications for the • No cost to use the Brower Office |
Nearby:are many resources including the American Alpine Club, the Land Library, Colorado State University, the University of Colorado, and the regional office of many conservation and government organizations including the Wilderness Society, the Sierra Club, the National Wildlife Federation, the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and The National Park Service. The Brower Office has its own conservation library, phone, and computer. Located Near Wilderness and other Open AreasGet out and take a break in the areas like those you are working to protect. The office is an hour or less drive from Wilderness Areas, National Forests and hiking trails.Use the Office at No CostThe David R. Brower Office of Conservation Writing is available to members of the International League of Conservation Writers and other authors who want to spend time in Colorado, researching and writing. Go to the Apply page and tell us when you would like to use the office, for how long, and a little about your project.
Sponsored by | International League of Conservation Writers • 4690 Table Mountain Dr., Suite 100 • Golden, Colorado, USA 80403
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